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Nguyen Group
Group Leader
Dr Quan Nguyen
Senior Research FellowInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Researcher biography:Dr Quan Nguyen is a Group Leader at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB), The University of Queensland. He is leading the Genomics and Machine Learning (GML) lab to study neuroinflammation and cancer-immune cells at single-cell resolution and within spatial morphological tissue context. His research interest is about revealing gene and cell regulators that determine the states of the complex cancer and neuronal ecosystems. Particularly, he is interested in quantifying cellular diversity and the dynamics of cell-cell interactions within the tissues to find ways to improve cancer diagnosis or cell-type specific treatments or the immunoinflammation responses that cause neuronal disease.
Using machine learning and genomic approaches, his group are integrating single-cell spatiotemporal sequencing data with tissue imaging data to find causal links between cellular genotypes, tissue microenvironment, and disease phenotypes. GML lab is also developing experimental technologies that enable large-scale profiling of spatial gene and protein expression (spatial omics) in a range of cancer tissues (focusing on brain and skin cancer) and in mouse brain and spinal cord.
Dr Quan Nguyen completed a PhD in Bioengineering at the University of Queensland in 2013, postdoctoral training in Bioinformatics at RIKEN institute in Japan in 2015, a CSIRO Office of Chief Executive (OCE) Research Fellowship in 2016, an IMB Fellow in 2018, an Australian Research Council DECRA fellowship (2019-2021), and is currently a National Health and Medical Research Council leadership fellow (EL2). He has published in top-tier journals, including Cell, Cell Stem Cell, Nature Methods, Nature Protocols, Nature Communications, Genome Research, Genome Biology and a prize-winning paper in GigaScience. In the past three years, he has contributed to the development of x8 open-source software, x2 web applications, and x4 databases for analysis of single-cell data and spatial transcriptomics. He is looking for enthusiastic research students and research staff to join his group.
Associate Professor Cheong Xin Chan
Research VisitorInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Researcher biography:Dr Chan has a PhD in Genomics and Computational Biology from UQ. He underwent postdoctoral training at Rutgers University (USA) in algal genomics and evolution. He returmed to UQ in late 2011 as one of the inaugural Great Barrier Reef Foundation Bioinformatics Fellows.
Dr Chan joined the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences in 2020 as a group leader at the Australian Centre for Ecogenomics (ACE). His group uses advanced computational approaches to study genome evolution and develop scalable approaches for comparative genomics.
Dr Jenny Fung
Research VisitorInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Mr Levi Hockey
Research AssistantInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Mr Onkar Mulay
Researcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Dr Albert Xiong
Higher degree by research (PhD) student & Honorary Senior FellowInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Ms Wendy Kao
Research VisitorInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Ms Liu Ning
Research VisitorInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Ms Natalie Molotkov
Research VisitorInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Associate Prof Matthew Ritchie
Research VisitorInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Mr Sinha Debottam
Research VisitorInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Students
Miss Kym-Mai Nguyen
Global Challenges ScholarInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Ms Sarah Shah
PhD studentInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Mr Andrew Su
Researcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Mr Minh Tran
PhD studentInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Mr Tuan Vo
PhD studentInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Miss Xinnan Jin
Researcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Pavithra Prakrithi
PhD studentInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Mr Andrew Causer
PhD studentInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Mr Jerry Tay
PhD studentInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Mr Yufan Yang
PhD studentInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:- ProfessorDepartment of Plant Biochemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany)
- Emeritus ProfessorInstitute for Molecular Bioscience
- ProvostThe University of QueenslandMember, Advisory BoardInstitute for Molecular Bioscience
- 18 Sep 2025Hear from leading QLD designers and the scientists who have inspired their unique creations (clothing & accessories).
- StudentInstitute for Molecular Bioscience
- Casual Senior Research TechnicianInstitute for Molecular Bioscience
Strawberry DNA extraction activity
Extract and view DNA from a strawberry using common household ingredients.
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The Edge: Genetics
People have known for thousands of years that parents pass traits to their children, but it is only relatively recently that our technology has caught up to our curiosity, enabling us to delve into the mystery of how this inheritance occurs, and the implications for predicting, preventing and treating disease.
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