IMB is dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion across all sectors and levels of the institute.
The IMB Belonging, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Culture Committee, led by Executive Director Professor Ian Henderson, is responsible for promoting and enacting this ethos.
Our mission is to promote equitable access to resources and support for all IMB students and staff regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, religion, disability and other protected attributes. We aim to foster a culture of diversity, inclusion and fairness, which in turn will create a positive workplace experience for all.
Here at IMB, we recognise that women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) fields face particular challenges to progress to senior levels. Our aim is to identify and remove barriers to career progression for women and other disadvantaged groups, thus supporting career progression for all staff.
We will strive to increase the proportion of women in senior leadership positions both through mentoring of current staff through the promotion process, while also ensuring gender equitable approaches to recruitment.
Science and innovation at IMB are strengthened through having a diverse and multi-faceted workforce and through our global connections. We welcome and value the inclusion of staff and students from many parts of the world and from all walks of society.
As a research institute, we oppose racism and hate, through allyship, continuous learning, unlearning and listening
- Professor Ian Henderson, IMB Executive Director
We currently have a number of initiatives in place to promote equity and diversity at IMB. These initiatives include:
Creating a family-friendly environment
- Providing a dedicated parents’ room for infant feeding and care
- Providing access to on-site parking for staff and students in the third trimester of pregnancy
- Encouraging staff and students to schedule work-related meetings and seminars within family-friendly hours to promote participation by those with caring responsibilities.
Achieving gender balance
- Encouraging gender balance in programs for seminars, workshops, conferences and other events hosted by or associated with IMB
- Encouraging IMB staff to enquire about the gender equity policy of conferences at which they are invited to speak
- Ensuring appropriate gender representation on recruitment panels.
Promoting and supporting a diverse staff and student community
- Supporting international staff and students through the visa application process.
- Active postgraduate student society (SIMBA) and early career researchers (ECR) committee
- Providing a dedicated Quiet Room as a non-denominational space for reflection or prayer
Providing equal and fair access to knowledge, training and career progression
- Providing travel funds to eligible students and staff
- Providing mentorship and guidance in the timing and preparation of promotion and fellowship applications
- Raising philanthropic funds to support career progression of women.
For further information, please see UQ’s policies and initiatives around diversity and inclusion.
For advice related to diversity and inclusion at IMB, or to provide feedback, please contact the IMB Culture and Inclusion Committee.
IMB UQ Ally Network
The UQ Ally Network is an award-winning program that provides a visible network of well-informed staff who create a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for sex, gender and sexuality diverse people at UQ and in the broader community. IMB is committed to providing a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for the LGBTIAQ+ community.
See a list of IMB staff who are UQ Allys, and learn more at the UQ Ally Network page:
UQ recognised as a leader in inclusive workplaces
UQ received Gold status for 2024 in the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI). The AWEI is the definitive national benchmark in regards to LGBTIAQ+ inclusion in the workplace.