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- Bacterial biofilms have been linked to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but what exactly are they and how do we get rid of them?
- Postdoctoral Research FellowInstitute for Molecular Bioscience
- Higher degree by research (PhD) studentInstitute for Molecular Bioscience
Walker Group
Group Leader
Professor Mark Walker
Professorial Research Fellow & Group LeaderInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Body:Lab Manager
Dr Amanda Walker
Senior Research AssistantInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Project Manager
Mr Miguel Aguirre
Project ManagerInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Postdoctoral Researchers
Dr Stephan Brouwer
Research FellowInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Researcher biography:Stephan Brouwer (ORCiD: 0000-0002-9777-2992) is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Queensland. With expertise in bacterial pathogenesis, encompassing both Gram-negative and Gram-positive human pathogens, his research explores the interaction between infectious disease agents and the human host. Much of his work focuses on understanding and preventing disease caused by the human pathogen Group A Streptococcus (GAS; Streptococcus pyogenes). He is at the forefront of the global effort to characterise a scarlet fever outbreak which began in North Asia in 2011, and his current research themes centre around the emergence of new hypervirulent GAS lineages that pose a major public health threat. Stephan utilises modern molecular technologies to study host-pathogen interactions and identify the genetic requirements for GAS to cause disease, with the aim to pursue the development of life-saving therapeutic and preventative advances. He has published his findings in Top Tier journals and helped to establish a sentinel hospital surveillance system in Australia to monitor the importation of GAS isolates causing epidemic scarlet fever.
Stephan completed his PhD in 2015 at one of Germany's most respected research institutes, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), where he conducted research on post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms in the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. He then moved to Australia to join the group of Prof. Mark Walker at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, where he is working eversince.
Dr Nichaela Harbison-Price
Postdoctoral Research Fellow & Postdoctoral Research FellowInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Dr David De Oliveira
Research FellowInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Dr Johanna Richter
Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Research OfficerInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Dr Steven Hancock
Postdoctoral Research FellowInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Dr Katelyn Richards
Postdoctoral Research FellowInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Research Assistants
Ms Laura Davis
Research/Laboratory AssistantInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Mr Hayden Whyte
Research/Laboratory AssistantInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Dr Gayathiri Elangovan
Research/Laboratory AssistantInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Dr Jack Na
Research/Laboratory AssistantInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Mr Jack O'Donohue
Research AssistantInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Ms Khanh Nguyen
Research/Laboratory AssistantInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:PhD Students
Ms Ruby Heaton
PhD studentInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:1Supervisor:Ms Olivia Bertolla
PhD StudentInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Ms Phoebe Shaw
PhD StudentInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Mr Brody Pullinger
PhD StudentInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:Miss Jasmine Wells
PhD StudentInstitute for Molecular BioscienceResearcher profile is public:0Supervisor:- Microscopy Facility ManagerInstitute for Molecular Bioscience
Strawberry DNA extraction activity
Extract and view DNA from a strawberry using common household ingredients.
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The Edge: Genetics
People have known for thousands of years that parents pass traits to their children, but it is only relatively recently that our technology has caught up to our curiosity, enabling us to delve into the mystery of how this inheritance occurs, and the implications for predicting, preventing and treating disease.
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