Dry the sections o/n (or at least 1 hour) at room temperature.
Put the slides into the Coplin jar for washes
Wash 3-6 x 3 minutes in TBS-T (to dissolve the OCT)
Draw circles around the tissue with a hydrophobic pen or just dry the slide around the tissue before each incubation step to provide surface tension
If your tissue was fresh frozen, fix the tissue for 10 minutes in 75% acetone + 25% ethanol or 4% PFA -> Wash 3-6 x 3 minutes in TBS-T
If using tyramide signal amplification (TSA): Add approx. 100 μl 1 % peroxide (dilute in MQ water) and wait until you see bubbles (3 minutes) -> Wash 3 x 3 minutes in TBS-T
If using primary labelled or primary followed by secondary antibody, skip peroxide step.
Block non-specific binding, generally related to isotype. General block is casein/Background sniper (for specific antibodies, the protein found in milk powder). Can use undiluted or anywhere from 1:10 to 1:100 depending on your antibody
Dilute primary antibody in appropriate diluent (pH of diluent is antibody specific, read the datasheet: primary antibody dilution is determined empirically through testing and is different for every antibody: use approx. 200 μl / sample)
Incubate for 30-120 minutes in the wet chamber at room temp, overnight at 4 degrees
Wash 6 x 3 minutes in TBS-T
If using primary fluorescently labelled antibody, skip to 15
if using secondary fluorescently conjugated antibody, use 1:500 dilution of secondary antibody
If using TSA, detect the primary antibody by using the correct Anti-XXX IgG
ImmPRESS HRP Anti-XXX IgG (Peroxidase) Polymer Detection Kit, Vector Laboratories:
Wash 6 x 3 minutes in TBS-T
TSA flurophore of interest (Perkin Elmer):
Dilute 1:50 in the provided diluent (use approx. 100 μl / sample; you can increase the dilution even further, but the diluent is the limiting factor)
Incubate for 7-10 minutes in the wet chamber (covered!)
Wash 6 x 3 minutes in TBS-T
Wash 2 x 3 minutes in TBS-T
Wash 1 x in MQ water to remove debris from slide, dry around tissue.
Wash coverslip once with MQ water to remove debris from coverslip.
Add a drop of mounting media onto the tissue. Place dry coverslip onto mounting media. Do not create bubbles between the slide and coverslip, if bubbles occur, push them out the side.
Seal the slide with a sealant or let the mounting media cure for at least 60 minutes.
Cleaning slide: Always clean both slide and coverslip.
The best images are collected directly after staining. But slides stained like this can be stored short-term at 4 °C, or frozen at -20 °C and stored for later analysis.