Protocol & Procedures Document
Protocol Name
Fixing and labelling cells with Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Materials Required
4% Paraformaldehyde
Labels (eg. Alexa488/555/647)
Mounting media (IMBiol, Prolong Diamond, etc.)
Sealant (clear nail polish)
Fixation: Fix cells with 4% Paraformaldehyde for at least 30 minutes
Wash fixative off cells thrice with PBS
Fluorescence labelling: Prepare WGA* in PBS and add mixture to cells for at least 45 minutes
Wash cells thrice with PBS
Wash coverslip once with Water**
Coverslip mounting: Add a drop of mounting media onto a clean glass slide***. Place dry coverslip cells side down onto mounting media. Seal the slide with a sealant or let the mounting media cure for at least 60 minutes.
Cleaning slide: Always clean both slide and coverslip after nail polish has dried
The inverted method for labelling coverslips is used ideally to minimise the amount of labelling reagents required
Imaging freshly prepared coverslips will always yield better results.
Number 1.5 coverslips are best and are available in the IMB store (Cat# D766)
* = Generally speaking the following concentrations work for WGA (A350 1:50, A488 1:500, A555 1:200, A647 1:400 TMR 1:500)
**A quick wash in water prevents PBS crystals forming
***Clean the slide by giving it a quick wipe with EtOH using a Kimwipe
V1 – April 2019