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- The potential to produce cheaper medicines on a large scale within edible plants including lettuce and canola has taken a significant step forward with new findings led by researchers from La Trobe University with collaborators at The University of Queensland.
- Researchers have shown why a fragment of a protein from the venom gland of rattlesnakes could be the basis for an alternative to conventional antibiotics.
- More targeted and effective treatments for some of the world’s most complex diseases in humans may be a step closer, thanks to research that better maps disease susceptibility to genes and DNA.
- Spider webs are made from silk. And silk is made from something scientists call “proteins”. Proteins are special chemicals made by a living thing - like an animal or a plant. You have lots of them in your body. Proteins usually have a certain job to do.
- Respiratory infection is the sixth-leading cause of death in Australia, and bacteria are becoming resistant to the antibiotics used to treat these diseases.
- 90 seconds with PhD student Amy Chan
- The Queensland Women in STEM Prize showcases inspiring early- to mid-career females working in STEM fields whose practice has the potential to benefit Queensland and who engage and communicate with the broader community. To vote for an IMB researcher for the People's Choice Award, and to check out how these young scientists are using life itself to change the world, please click on the images below to vote.
- Venom researchers from the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) have discovered the venom of the assassin bug is like no other venomous animal previously studied.
Strawberry DNA extraction activity
Extract and view DNA from a strawberry using common household ingredients.
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The Edge: Infection
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We are tackling the problem of drug-resistant bacteria through developing new diagnostics and treatments, and by empowering the community with knowledge on how to fight back against the threat of superbugs.
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This year's theme is 'Drugs inspired by nature' where you can look to the world around us to develop new medicines.
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