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  • We develop insights into the underlying biological mechanisms of human variation
  • Higher degree by research (PhD) student
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
  • UQ Centre for Cardiac and Vascular Biology

    Chief Investigators

    Associate Professor Nathan Palpant

    National Heart Foundation of Australia Future Leader Fellow - Group Leader
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
    Researcher profile is public: 
    Researcher biography: 

    Career Summary: 2009: PhD, University of Michigan, USA with training in cardiac physiology, modelling myocardial ischemia in vivo and in vitro, and development of therapeutic approaches for myocardial ischemia; 2009–2015: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Washington, Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, USA with training in stem cell biology, genomics, genome editing, and cell therapeutics for ischemic heart disease; 2015–current: Group Leader, University of Queensland (UQ), Institute for Molecular Bioscience; 2022-current: Associate Professor, UQ; 2018–2021 and 2023-2026: National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow. Dr. Palpant’s research team has expertise in human stem cell biology, computational genomics, and cardiac physiology, which enables them to translate outcomes from cell biology and genomics to disease modelling, drug discovery, and preclinical modelling.


    Latest publication

    Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis of Cardiac Differentiation from Human PSCs Reveals HOPX-Dependent Cardiomyocyte Maturation

    Dr Palpant and colleagues have published the most in-depth study of exactly how human stem cells can be turned into heart cells. The work involved measuring changes in gene activity in tens of thousands of individual cells as they move through the stages of heart development.

    Unlike those tissues, the heart does not have the capacity for self-repair after damage (such as a heart attack). This is one reason why heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. This research may help us find ways to repair the heart in the future. Read more


    The Stem Cells and Cardiovascular Development lab run by Dr Nathan Palpant uses human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs), genomics, genome editing, and disease modelling to study mechanisms controlling cardiovascular development and disease.

    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide and new therapeutics are required to address growing public health demands. Expanding treatment options for cardiovascular diseases requires interdisciplinary research from developmental biology to translation.

    To this end, Dr Palpant leads functional genomics and epigenetic studies at single cell resolution and across diverse cardiac and vascular fates to determine the genetic basis of cell identity and fate.

    His team is developing stem cell models of disease for drug discovery. They are also building links with clinician/researchers bringing together stem cell biology, mechanical-assist devices, and large animal disease models to identify new approaches to address cardiovascular disease.

    Dr Palpant received training in cardiac physiology (PhD, University of Michigan) and developmental biology and genomics (University of Washington), resulting in 27 publications in high-impact journals including Nature, Nature Protocols, and Development.

    In November 2015, Dr Palpant relocated to The University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience to establish the Stem Cells and Cardiovascular Development Laboratory.

    During his career, Dr Palpant has received internationally competitive awards and positions including:

    • The International Society for Heart Research Young Investigator Award
    • International speaking invitations in the US, Europe, Australia, and Asia
    • He is an IMB Group Leader, Co-Director of Stem Cells Australia’s Cardiac Repair and Regeneration theme, and Co-Director of the Queensland Facility for Advanced Genome Editing. 


    Using genomics to elucidate developmental cell lineage decisions, Dr Nathan Palpant




    Dr Emma Gordon

    Adjunct Senior Fellow
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
    Researcher profile is public: 
    Researcher biography: 

    Dr Gordon's research is focused on the formation and maintenance of the blood and lymphatic vascular systems. Vessels form complex branched networks that supply oxygen and nutrients to all body tissues. The signals controlling blood vessel expansion, identity and migration are all downstream of a single, common complex at the cell surface, yet exactly how this diverse range of functions is differentially regulated, depending on the physiological need, remains unknown.

    The specific focus of Dr Gordon's research is to determine the precise molecular signals that control cell adhesion within the vessel wall the surrounding environment. If the signals controlling cell adhesion become deregulated, normal vessel growth and function is lost. This contributes to the progression of a wide range of human diseases, including cancer growth and metastasis, diabetic eye disease and stroke. Dr Gordon aims to use novel biological models, biochemical assays and imaging techniques to better understand vessel biology, which will enable improved treatment of disease and aid in the development of vascularised, bioengineered organs.

    Dr Gordon received her Bachelor of Science (2005) and PhD (2011) from The University of Adelaide, after which she undertook six years of postdoctoral studies at Yale University in the USA and Uppsala University in Sweden. With the support of an ARC DECRA Fellowship, Dr Gordon relocated to IMB in 2017 to establish her independent research career as an IMB Fellow. In 2019, she was appointed as Group Leader of the Vessel Dynamics Laboratory.


    Dr Anne Lagendijk

    Senior Research Fellow - GL
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
    Researcher profile is public: 


    Dr Anne Lagendijk's research focusses on the development and maintenance of a functional blood vessel network. These cells that make up the vessels continuously adapt their size, adhesiveness and compliance order to ensure the right balance between vessel integrity and permeability in a context dependent manner. Mechanical cues play a major role in the functional adaptation of blood vessels. Despite ongoing research unraveling the structural components of mechanical hubs in the cells, it is essential to assess the magnitude of forces that are transduced at these sites and the biological consequences for vessel function. She has previously developed a VE-cadherin tension biosensor line in zebrafish. This line provides the first vertebrate model that reports intra-molecular tension. Dr Lagendijk utilised this tool to identify changes in junctional organisation and VE-cadherin tension that occur as arteries mature and revealed molecular pathways that allow for this maturation to happen.

    In addition, she has developed new disease models that are allowing her to probe the initiating mechanisms of vascular malformations that lead to neurological deficits and stroke with unprecedented cellular and subcellular resolution. Dr Lagendijk is currently continuing on from her previous work by investigating how forces and mechanically induced pathways at distinct mechanically active sites in the cell contribute to building and maintaining a healthy vasculature.

  • NHMRC Research Assistant
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
  • ARC Laureate Fellow - GL
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
  • Higher degree by research (PhD) student
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
  • Institute for Molecular Bioscience


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