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Risk of depression and heart disease linked in women
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- Professor Matt Cooper discusses why people should snack on whole foods to boost good gut bacteria
- Two talented young scientists were awarded Research Advancement Awards to support their PhD studies at The University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience from 2015.
- Researchers from The University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience have uncovered a secret of an immune cell on the frontline that could assist with developing new treatments for inflammatory diseases.
- Queensland researchers have led an international effort to uncover the gene behind a young Brisbane boy’s rare developmental condition, in a discovery his family hopes will pave the way for future treatments.
- Researchers from UQ’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience are one step closer to grasping what makes men ‘male’, a finding that could help us manage disorders of sex development affecting hundreds of children born each year.
- The John Trivett Senior Research Fellow in Brain Cancer is funded by the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation, the largest fundraising body for brain cancer research in Australia.
- Scientists from UQ’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience have peered deeper into our cell’s ‘little caves’ to better understand how our cells respond to their environment, and are affected in diseases such as cancer and muscular dystrophy.
- Researchers at UQ’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience have received more than $7 million from the Australian Research Council’s (ARC) November funding round to pursue discoveries in a range of health and agriculture areas.
Strawberry DNA extraction activity
Extract and view DNA from a strawberry using common household ingredients.
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The Edge: Genetics
People have known for thousands of years that parents pass traits to their children, but it is only relatively recently that our technology has caught up to our curiosity, enabling us to delve into the mystery of how this inheritance occurs, and the implications for predicting, preventing and treating disease.
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