







Current Status:  Fully Operational

Room 2.138 - Olympus IX71 - Inverted Microscope Stand with Intensified CCD camera

Inverted widefield microscope with Mercury and LED lightsources and CCD camera. Suited for imaging fixed samples on slides, samples with low fluorescence and live imaging.


  • Manual X-Y-Z stage
  • CO2 and temperature incubation for live cells and tissue
  • Tiled imaging
  • Multi-position imaging


Transmitted Light100W Halogen Lamp

Reflected Light:  Olympus Mercury White Lightsource, Lambert LED Lightsource








Position Objective Magnification N.A. Immersion W.D. (mm) Type Type Thread
1 Plan Apochromat 4x 0.5 Dry 2 PhL ADL M27
2 Plan Apochromat 10x 0.75 Dry 0.5 Ph1   M27
3 Plan Apochromat 20x 0.75 Dry 0.4 Ph2 ADL M27
4 Plan Apochromat 40x 0.95 Dry 0.2 DIC I   M27


Fluorescent Filter Sets

Position Name Excitation Dichroic Emission Suitable Dyes
1 DAPI - 5060C 377/50 409LP 447/60 DAPI, Hoechst
2 CFP - 2432C 438/24 458LP 483/32 CFP, Cerulean
3 GFP-3000B 488/10 505LP 530/60 GFP, A488
4 mCherry LP 560/20 580LP 585LP mCherry, Cy3
5   - - -  
6   - - -  



Dell PC - 3GHz Xeon Processor - 8GB RAM - 256GB nVidia Quadro GPU

1TB Raid Array

Dual 27" LCD Monitors



Lambert Intruments



Incubation chamber with CO2 and Temperature control


Dr James Springfield
Microscopy Facility Manager​
  +61 7 334 62390

Dr Nicholas Condon
CZI Imaging Scientist
  +61 7 334 62042


Dr Mahdie Mollazade
Microscopy Officer
  +61 7 334 62042


Mailing address

ACRF Cancer Biology Imaging Facility
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Level 6N, 306 Carmody Road,
Building 80
University of Queensland
4072, St Lucia,
Queensland, Australia