Sequencing Facility


Bookings   Enquiries

The UQ Sequencing Facility provides sequencing services to UQ and the research community in the greater Brisbane region. 

The sequencing specialist team will tailor the sequencing aspect of your research project to your needs and maintain active communication throughout the course of the project.

We can usually provide fast turnaround times for most projects with a track record of returning high-quality sequencing data within three weeks of sample submission.

Let our team help you with library preparation and sequencing on Illumina short read sequencing platforms and on the PacBio long read sequencing platform Sequel II.

Our standard sequencing services

Our standard library preparation and sequencing services include:

  • Illumina (short read) whole transcriptome sequencing for gene expression profiling or deeper transcriptome analysis
  • Illumina whole genome sequencing
  • 10x Genomics Chromium Single Cell 3' Gene Expression (including CITE-seq/cell hashing)
  • PacBio whole genome sequencing (long reads and HiFi reads)
  • PacBio Kinnex (full length transcript analysis)

Our custom sequencing services

In addition, we are happy to discuss how we can help with your custom sequencing requirements. We have experience with library prep and/or sequencing in the following areas:

  • Exome and custom capture
  • Illumina sequencing panel
  • Amplicon sequencing
  • Sequencing customer-prepared libraries
  • 10x Genomics Chromium VDJ, Flex RNA, multiome and Single Cell ATAC assays
  • Small RNA

Systems and Equipment available


  • We convert your Illumina short read raw sequencing data into fastQ files running the bcl2fastq conversion.
  • We will be able to generate fastQ files and count table for your chromium single cell experiment using the cell ranger software.

Staff expertise

Staff has extensive knowledge of Next-generation-sequencing in all areas.

  • Single cell
  • Short and Long read sequencing


Sequencing Facility Manager
Ms Angelika Christ
  +61 7 334 62074

Sequencing Specialist
Dr Tim Bruxner
  +61 7 334 62074

Senior Research Assistant
Ms Shivangi Wani
  +61 7 334 62074

General enquires

  +61 7 334 62074

Mailing address

UQ Sequencing Facility

Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Level 5N
Building 80

306 Carmody Road
University of Queensland
4072, St Lucia,
Queensland, Australia


Please contact the UQ Sequencing Facility