IMB's latest news, explainers and more
Risk of depression and heart disease linked in women
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- The first-ever drug to treat heart attack and protect donor hearts will now move to human clinical trials
- Most of us know how to keep our hearts healthy, but there are other risk factors that are beyond our control, including our genetics.
- Each October, a familiar debate resurfaces in the Australian media - the potential reintroduction of daylight saving time in Queensland. But why are scientists so against it?
- IMB researchers have teamed up to develop precise, personalised drugs for epilepsy patients
- The Strep A Outbreak Prevention Team has won a 2024 Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Infectious Diseases Research
- The assassin bug lies in wait in plants, poised to ambush its prey. Related to cicadas and aphids, it has a large appetite, catching any unsuspecting invertebrates, like caterpillars or bees, for its next meal.
- IMB researchers have described how cells change their shape to move through crowded spaces – knowledge which can be applied to diseases such as cancer and osteoarthritis.
- IMB researchers have unlocked crucial molecular secrets of ageing in cells, potentially paving the way to improve quality of life as people age.
- IMB is housing a UQ-led training centre to tackle the global crisis of antimicrobial-resistant infections.
Strawberry DNA extraction activity
Extract and view DNA from a strawberry using common household ingredients.
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The Edge: Genetics
People have known for thousands of years that parents pass traits to their children, but it is only relatively recently that our technology has caught up to our curiosity, enabling us to delve into the mystery of how this inheritance occurs, and the implications for predicting, preventing and treating disease.
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IMB fully supports UQ's Reconciliation Action Plan and is implementing actions within our institute.
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