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Risk of depression and heart disease linked in women
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- The first oral treatment for psoriasis has a successful clinical trial
- Professor David Craik has been recognised by the Australian Academy of Science, winning the David Craig Medal and Lecture, awarded to a researcher who has made a significant contribution to chemistry over their career.
- IMB researchers have contributed to the largest-ever genetic study of endometriosis, finding 42 regions across the genome associated with the disease.
- Genomic surveillance has detected a new strain of Strep A called M1uk in Australia
- A research collaboration with Moderna to develop a Strep A vaccine has secured $8 million in philanthropic funding.
- Interim Queensland Chief Scientist Professor Bronwyn Harch is lending her support to the Soils for Science program.
- 30 January 2023While many high school students hit the beach over summer, one Brisbane 16-year-old spent part of his holiday unearthing new medicines.
- IMB researchers have identified a pathway in cells that could be used to reprogram the body’s immune system to fight back against both chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases.
- This year's winners of the Jo Underhill IMB Art Award have been announced.
Strawberry DNA extraction activity
Extract and view DNA from a strawberry using common household ingredients.
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The Edge: Genetics
People have known for thousands of years that parents pass traits to their children, but it is only relatively recently that our technology has caught up to our curiosity, enabling us to delve into the mystery of how this inheritance occurs, and the implications for predicting, preventing and treating disease.
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