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Risk of depression and heart disease linked in women
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- Two IMB researchers have been recognised in the prestigious Australian Academy of Science 2024 honorific awards.
- Discovering the genes involved in endometriosis is vitally important for our understanding and designing treatments. But it’s not the whole story.
- IMB researchers have discovered how the ‘on-switch’ for the body’s inflammation machinery can get stuck, causing rare genetic inflammatory diseases.
- For the latest edition of UQ Mythbusters during Endometriosis Awareness Month, we put some of the most persistent myths about ‘endo’ to bed.
- Snow Medical Research Foundation has awarded IMB researchers $8 million to dramatically advance the use of genomics to prevent chronic disease such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
- 29 February 2024Rare diseases are by definition rare, yet put together affect around 300 million people world-wide with devastating consequences. Here are the latest breakthroughs from researchers at IMB.
- Researchers have discovered a fault in the bacteria-killing zinc pathway in immune cells in people with cystic fibrosis, and a potential way to get around it to reduce infections.
- Researchers have discovered that 'bad' bacteria can't make cellulose on their cell surface, ultimately leading to severe disease.
- The Critical Care Research Group has joined IMB to help accelerate translational research
Strawberry DNA extraction activity
Extract and view DNA from a strawberry using common household ingredients.
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The Edge: Genetics
People have known for thousands of years that parents pass traits to their children, but it is only relatively recently that our technology has caught up to our curiosity, enabling us to delve into the mystery of how this inheritance occurs, and the implications for predicting, preventing and treating disease.
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IMB fully supports UQ's Reconciliation Action Plan and is implementing actions within our institute.
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