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'Just add water' - the magic of tardigrades

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  • The Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) has celebrated the graduations of its first PhD students from Serbia and Nepal, who investigated rare neurodegenerative disorders and diagnostic tools for dengue fever.
  • The Director of The University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) will help steer a national initiative striving to double survival rates for people with brain cancer over the next decade.
  • In the “golden era” of antibiotic drug discovery – 1950 to 1970 – drug companies could afford to be choosy, selecting only the very best candidates for approval.As a result, many potent antibiotics did not make the cut for development and were abandoned. Given the current crisis in antibiotic discovery, the time is right to revisit many of these potentially invaluable molecules in search of antibiotic scaffolds with novel modes of action.
  • An antibiotic overlooked since its discovery 40 years ago could help develop new drugs against life-threatening infections caused by some of the world’s most dangerous superbugs.
  • You know the drill. A picnic in the park, a walk in the bush or a barbecue with friends and family – all perfect summer activities that can be ruined by annoying flies that never leave you alone.

    So why do they do it and what do they want?
  • Did you know that when you take certain genetic tests, the company can make money by on-selling your data to other businesses?

    Now new blockchain-based marketplaces could give individuals control over access to their encrypted DNA data, and the ability to sell it to research companies for their own profit.
  • An IMB graduate will use a Fulbright scholarship to study at Stanford University to address some of the world's biggest challenges - how to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.
  • Massive banks of genetic information are being harnessed to shed new light on modifiable health risks that underlie common diseases.

    University of Queensland researchers have pioneered a method to integrate data from multiple large-scale studies to assess risk factors such as body mass index (BMI) and cholesterol levels, and their association with diseases including type two diabetes and heart disease.
  • Gardening is a great way to relax, be one with nature and get your hands dirty. But lurking in that pleasant environment are some nasty bacteria and fungi, with the potential to cause you serious harm. So we need to be vigilant with gardening gloves and other protective wear.


Strawberry DNA extraction activity

Extract and view DNA from a strawberry using common household ingredients.

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The Edge: Infection

The latest research and discovery

We are tackling the problem of drug-resistant bacteria through developing new diagnostics and treatments, and by empowering the community with knowledge on how to fight back against the threat of superbugs.

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