Microalgae based burn therapeutics
For burns victims, the speed of recovery of rescuable cells and the vascularisation of skin grafts are important to minimise scar tissue formation and speed patient recovery. Both rescuable burn affected tissue and skin grafts which must connect with the patients vascular supply can suffer from oxygen deprivation. Illuminated single cell green microalgae produce oxygen are therefore an attractive option to supply oxygen to support tissue recovery.
Objective/mission (The vision):Develop dressings and skin grafts that increase healing capacity of skin tissue. This can be combined with microalgal therapeutic production e.g. secreted growth factors to improve wound healing.
Research approach (The initiative): Cell biology, bioprocess and tissue design. Incorporation of photosynthetically active microalgae in dressings.
Impacts and applications: Acceleration of skin healing with decreased scar tissue formation in burns victims and thus improvement of recovery and long term impairment offers significant opportunities for the improved care of burns victims.
Partners/collaborators: RBWH