Spotlight on: Serena Leeke

Could you tell us about your work background and what you were doing before you came to IMB?
I have been working in HR at UQ for almost five years across various areas such as QAAFI, SMI, and HR’s systems and training team. Immediately prior to IMB, I was the HR Business Partner at the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and IT (EAIT). Prior to UQ I was a generalist HR practitioner working in the private sector at BHP Billiton and Campos Coffee Queensland.
What aspects of your role do you enjoy the most?
I love building strong working relationships with clients and colleagues, enabling me to better understand and help develop beneficial solutions or discover and implement new value adding initiatives. I also enjoy working with such a supportive and strong team and being able to be located on such a beautiful campus.
When you’re not at work, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I love getting out, going for hikes and exploring new areas of Brisbane and its surrounds. Most recently I have discovered White Rock and the Fernvale Markets. I also go to the gym every day after work and enjoy baking when I have the time.
What can’t you live without?
Coffee…just coffee.
Tell us something about yourself that may surprise us?
I used to be able to speak and write Japanese, Latin and Swahili. However, I am unfortunately out of practise. I am also a qualified Personal Trainer and used to teach group fitness classes.
What are you looking forward to most about your role here at IMB?
Being fully embedded within the Institute, partnering with clients to deliver successful HR initiatives, working with some familiar faces and learning about a new area of UQ and it’s amazing research.