The South Asian Genes and Health in Australia Study (SAGHA)

The South Asian Genes and Health in Australia Study (SAGHA)

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Australia and the world. If you are South Asian, your risk of heart disease is double that of the average Australian. We don’t know why South Asians are at higher risk for heart disease. Our DNA (or genetics) may hold important clues.

There are very few studies carried out on DNA and heart disease in South Asian populations. More research involving South Asians will help us to reduce their risk of heart disease. But first, we need to understand the barriers to South Asian Australians getting involved in research.

This study aims to fill a gap in research involving South Asians and seeks to understand what prevents South Asian Australians from taking part in research studies.

Participate in the study



Research Project Manager
Deborah Gilroy

Research Team
Ph: 07 3346 2089

Donate to SAGHA

About the study

Improving the health of future generations of South Asians living in Australia is our goal and to do this, we want to support more South Asians in Australia to take part in health and genetic research. The steps we are taking are:

  • Having discussions with South Asian community members in Australia to understand what is stopping them from taking part in health and genetic research.
  • Developing guidelines for carrying out health and genetic research that are respectful of South Asian culture.
  • Assessing heart disease risk in 200 South Asians living in Queensland. This involves collecting a DNA sample and information on their health.

Study update

As the study progresses, we will be posting updates here. 

Meet the team

  • Associate Professor Sonia Shah

    National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow
    National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow, Senior Principal Research Fellow –Group Leader
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
  • Ms Anjali Henders

    Human Studies Manager
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience


Donate to SAGHA

Every bit helps. Donate to the SAGHA study and help us understand how to support more South Asians in Australia participate in health and genetic research.
100 per cent of proceeds go directly to the SAGHA study.

Donate to SAGHA

General enquiries

  +61 7 3346 2222

Media enquiries

IMB fully supports UQ's Reconciliation Action Plan and is implementing actions within our institute.

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