Publications Wainwright
Journal Article: The many faces of elongator in neurodevelopment and disease
Kojic, Marija and Wainwright, Brandon (2016) The many faces of elongator in neurodevelopment and disease.Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 9 NOV2016: . doi:10.3389/fnmol.2016.00115
Journal Article: MicroRNA biogenesis and hedgehog-patched signaling cooperate to regulate an important developmental transition in granule cell development
Constantin, Lena, Constantin, Myrna and Wainwright, Brandon J. (2016) MicroRNA biogenesis and hedgehog-patched signaling cooperate to regulate an important developmental transition in granule cell development. Genetics, 202 3: 1105-+. doi:10.1534/genetics.115.184176
Journal Article: Cell-type-specific expression of NFIX in the developing and adult cerebellum
Fraser, James, Essebier, Alexandra, Gronostajski, Richard M., Boden, Mikael, Wainwright, Brandon J., Harvey, Tracey J. and Piper, Michael (2016) Cell-type-specific expression of NFIX in the developing and adult cerebellum. Brain Structure and Function, 1-20. doi:10.1007/s00429-016-1340-8