Caveolae are endocytic pits of the cell surface that have diverse roles in the cell, from lipid homeostasis to mechanoprotection and signal transduction. We aim to characterise the structure of caveolae at high resolution in the native state and understand how changes in substrate stiffness modulate caveolar organisation and structure. This project is a collaboration between the Parton Group (IMB, UQ) and the Collins Group (IMB, UQ).

Project members

Dr Nicholas Ariotti

Senior Research Fellow - GL
Institute for Molecular Bioscience

Professor Robert Parton

Group Leader, Centre for Cell Biology of Chronic Disease
ARC Laureate Fellow - Group Leader
Institute for Molecular Bioscience

Professor Brett Collins

Director, Centre for Cell Biology of Chronic Disease
NHMRC Leadership Fellow - GL & Centre Director of Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Institute for Molecular Bioscience