Dr Andrew Mallett

Researcher biography
Professor Andrew Mallett is a Nephrologist with a special interest in inherited kidney disease and nephrogenetics. After graduating from James Cook University (MBBS, 2006) he completed physician training at Mackay Base Hospital, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and Princess Alexandra Hospital (MMed USyd, 2009; AFRACMA 2011; FRACP 2013; FASN 2016). Professor Mallett has undertaken a Churchill Fellowship and been a recurrent Visiting Fellow at Addenbrooke's Hospital (Cambridge, UK) and the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (University of Cambridge). He has completed a PhD in nephrogenetics collaborating nationally and internationally, and is a Consultant Nephrologist at RBWH, co-leading the statewide Queensland Conjoint Renal Genetics Service. Professor Mallett is National Director of KidGen, the AGHA Renal Genetics Rare Disease Flagship.