Mr Sam Capon
Higher degree by research (PhD) student
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
334 62055

Journal Articles
Capon, Samuel J., Uribe, Veronica, Dominado, Nicole, Ehrlich, Ophelia and Smith, Kelly A. (2022). Endocardial identity is established during early somitogenesis by Bmp signalling acting upstream of npas4l and etv2. Development, 149 (9) dev190421. doi: 10.1242/dev.190421
Baek, Sungmin, Oh, Tae Gyu, Secker, Genevieve, Sutton, Drew L., Okuda, Kazuhide S., Paterson, Scott, Bower, Neil I., Toubia, John, Koltowska, Katarzyna, Capon, Samuel J., Baillie, Gregory J., Simons, Cas, Muscat, George E.O., Lagendijk, Anne K., Smith, Kelly A., Harvey, Natasha L. and Hogan, Benjamin M. (2019). The alternative splicing regulator Nova2 constrains vascular Erk signaling to limit specification of the lymphatic lineage. Developmental Cell, 49 (2), 279-292. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2019.03.017
Capon, Samuel James, Baillie, Gregory, Bower, Neil, Da Silva, Jason Andrew, Paterson, Scott, Hogan, Ben, Simons, Cas and Smith, Kelly (2017). Utilising polymorphisms to achieve allele-specific genome editiing in zebrafish. Biology Open, 6 (1), 125-131. doi: 10.1242/bio.020974
Capon, Samuel James (2020). Examining endocardial development in zebrafish. PhD Thesis, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2020.159