The existing network storage drive for IMB staff (IMBShare) will be deprecated this year and all IMB staff and students will need to create atleast one RDM to store their data 

Useful Links

Mounting RDM from a UQ domain computer

To mount your collection directly on your IMB supplied PC  which uses UQ sign in credentials, ie: username = uqjbloggs 

If working from home you will first need to connect via UQ VPN: Accessing UQ-VPN 

Mac: Click on the desktop, then type Cmd+K to bring up the "Connect to Server" window and type in: smb://  

Windows:  In a the Address Bar of a windows Explorer window, type \\\uq-inst-gateway2 

If you have not requested from IMB IT to have your RDM accessible locally at IMB, use smb://{Proect ID} in Mac or \\\{Proect ID} in Windows to access your data.


Mounting RDM from a IMB domain computer

If you wish to mount your collection on a PC/Mac which doesn’t use UQ sign in credentials, ie: username = j.bloggs 

Mac: Click on the desktop, then type Cmd+K to bring up the "Connect to Server" window and type in: smb://{Project ID} 

Windows:  In a the Address Bar of a windows Explorer window, type  \\\{Project ID} 



If you can't see your RDM on \\  or \\\uq-inst-gateway2 then log a ticket with  with the full project ID so that IMB IT can mount it to the cache.


Digital Notebooks

Paper based lab notebooks will be phased out as UQ moves to digital notebooks, which can be linked to your RDM 

UQ Digital Research Notebook (DRN) setup guides: