We are daring to put Brisbane under the microscope

Credit: Markus Ravik
Credit: Markus Ravik

We partnered with the Brisbane Festival to explore the intersection of art, science and what makes our city tick.

Through Ephemeral, an installation examining beauty and fragility;
three Sip and Science events, conversations between artists and scientists; and through our weekly polls, we explored the themes of light, dark and colour; chemistry and attraction; and art and science.



Professor Ian Henderson explores the intersection of science and art.
Mark Blaskovich is manipulating the laws of attraction to develop new drugs to stave off the world’s next pandemic – the rise of drug-resistant superbugs.
Enakshi Sinniah is exploring the untapped powers of DNA to discover what influences and causes heart disease.

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The beauty and fragility of Ephemeral

Ephemeral, an artwork installation at the Brisbane Festival

Like it or not, our lives are lived in a permanent state of impermanence. And, not unlike a delicate yet mesmerizing bubble, our time is finite.

Ephemeral is an immersive light and sound environment exploring the concept of ephemerality, representing it as that of a bubble. By day, this larger-than-life sculpture emulates the magical qualities of bubbles by using dichroic film to create the illusion of bubble-like colours and form.
At night, the personality of the sculpture shifts as the lighting animations bounce inside the reflective shell of the spheres, creating a whole new experience for the audience to explore.

Find out more


The intersection of art and science at IMB

Were you lucky enough to nab a foldscope?

A foldscope is a paper-based miscroscope that you can use with your smartphone!
You've got one but now what? See the video on how to set it up and use it. For any troubleshooting issues click here.


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