Angeline Chan
What did you study in your undergraduate degree?
Bachelor of Biotechnology (major in drug design & development) - PhD (Biological chemistry)

Why did you choose IMB to undertake your research?
IMB has an extensive record in performing cutting-edge research on the structural biology of peptides. It is one of the largest research institutes in Australia and is the best equipped in the country for structural biology. With extensive experience and facilities for peptide synthesis and state−of−the−art nuclear magnetic resonance instruments and cell culture facilities, IMB offers outstanding infrastructure and has the perfect environment for my research in the peptide field and drug discovery.
Do you have any tips for future students interested in life sciences research?
Always have a curious mind on what you do, believe in yourself and never give up.
What research are you currently working on?
I am a structural biologist and biochemist. My research involves exploring the diversity of peptides present in medicinal plants and determining three-dimensional structures of disulfide-rich peptides in plants (e.g., gourd family, sunflowers and violets), spiders and bacteria. Also to understand the sequence diversity of these disulfide-rich peptides, elucidating their mechanisms, and structure-activity relationship for in vitro and in vivo models. By using the information gained from my discovery work, I can build on new knowledge and strategies through re-engineering them to develop new disulfide-bonded therapeutics for targeting a range of human diseases and agricultural applications.
What interested you in joining the IMB Science Ambassador Program?
This program creates opportunities for me to develop personal and professional skills such as marketing, communications, and social media. Also, networking skills with the general public, future, and current UQ students.
What do you enjoy doing out of free time?
I enjoy cooking, listening to music and spending time with my daughter during free time.