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  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
  • Associate Scientific Assistant
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
  • Higher degree by research (PhD) student
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Research Officer
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
  • PhD student
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
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  • Forde team

    Group Leader

    Dr Brian Forde

    Senior Research Fellow
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
    Researcher profile is public: 
    Researcher biography: 

    Brian Forde is a fellow in microbial bioinformatics and Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellow at the University of Queensland (UQ) Centre for Clinical Research (CCR). Brian was awarded a PhD from University College Cork, Ireland, in 2013 and developed his interest in bacterial genomics as a postdoctoral fellow at the UQ School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences (SCMB). Currently, his work is primarily focused on clinical microbial genomics, including: the evolution of antibiotic resistance, genomic epidemiology, genomic surveillance of Infectious Diseases and translating genomic research into clinical practice. Since 2017 he has been part of a multidisciplinary team, including researchers, infectious diseases clinicians and infection control professionals, leading the introduction of WGS to investigate hospital-acquired infection in Queensland ( In 2020, Brian was awarded Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowship to explore the application of Artificial Intelligence to genomic surveillance and transmission dynamics.


    Mr Thom Cuddihy

    Bioinformatics Developer
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
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    Dr Budi Permana

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
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    Ms Simone Dowd

    PhD student
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  • Centre for Inflammation and Disease Research


    Professor Kate Schroder

    NHMRC Leadership Fellow - Group Leader
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
    Researcher profile is public: 
    Researcher biography: 

    Professor Kate Schroder heads the Inflammasome Laboratory and is Director of the Centre for Inflammation and Disease Research at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB), University of Queensland, as an NHMRC Leadership Fellow. Kate's graduate studies defined novel macrophage activation mechanisms and her subsequent postdoctoral research identified surprising inter-species divergence in the inflammatory programs of human versus mouse macrophages. As an NHMRC CJ Martin Fellow in Switzerland, Kate trained with the pioneer of inflammasome biology, Jürg Tschopp. The IMB Inflammasome Laboratory, which Kate heads, investigates the molecular mechanisms governing inflammasome activity and caspase activation, the cellular mediators of inflammasome-dependent inflammation, and mechanisms of inflammasome inhibition by cellular pathways and small molecule inhibitors.

    Kate is a co-inventor on patents for small molecule inhibitors of the NLRP3 inflammasome, currently under commercialisation by Inflazome Ltd. Inflazome Ltd was recently acquired by Roche in a landmark deal – one of the largest in Australian and Irish biotech history. The acquisition gives Roche full rights to Inflazome's portfolio of inflammasome inhibitors. Two of the company's drug candidates are in clinical trials for the treatment of debilitating conditions such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and motor neuron disease.

    Kate has authored more than 100 publications, featuring in journals such as Science, Cell, Nature Genetics, Nature Medicine, Nature Chemical Biology, Journal of Experimental Medicine and PNAS USA, and her work has been cited more than 17,000 times. Kate is an Editorial Board Member for international journals including Science Signaling, Clinical and Translational Immunology and Cell Death Disease. She is the recipient of the 2019 ANZSCDB Emerging Leader Award, 2019 Merck Research Medal, 2014 Milstein Young Investigator Award, 2013 Tall Poppy Award, 2012 Gordon Ada Career Award, 2010 QLD Premier's Postdoctoral Award, and the 2008 Society for Leukocyte Biology's Dolph Adams Award.


    During injury or infection, our body's immune system protects us by launching inflammation. But uncontrolled inflammation drives diseases such as gout, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease and cancer. The Inflammasome Lab is defining the molecular and cellular processes of inflammation. We seek to unravel the secrets of inflammasomes – protein complexes at the heart of inflammation and disease – to allow for new therapies to fight human diseases.

    The Inflammasome Laboratory integrates molecular and cell biology approaches with in vivo studies to gain a holistic understanding of inflammasome function during infection, and inflammasome dysfunction in human inflammatory disease. Current research interests include the molecular mechanisms governing inflammasome activity and caspase activation, the cellular mediators of inflammasome-dependent inflammation, and inflammasome suppression by autophagy and small molecule inhibitors.



    Professor Kate Schroder is an immunologist fascinated by the biology of the innate immune system.

    She is an expert on the inflammasome, a cell signalling pathway that generates inflammation. 

    Professor Schroder’s PhD studies defined novel activation mechanisms of macrophages, an important cell of the innate immune system, and her subsequent postdoctoral research identified surprising inter-species divergence in the inflammatory programs of human versus mouse macrophages.

    As an NHMRC CJ Martin Fellow in Switzerland, she then trained with the pioneer of inflammasome biology, Jürg Tschopp. After returning to Australia, Professor Schroder established her laboratory, which is dedicated to inflammasome research.  

    The Schroder Lab are defining mechanisms of inflammasome signalling in innate immune cells, with the goal of developing new drugs to fight infection or inflammatory disease. For example, through multidisciplinary collaboration, the Schroder Lab have characterised new anti-inflammatory compounds that inhibit inflammasomes. These are currently under commercialisation for their potential as novel anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Professor Schroder is Director of the IMB Centre for Inflammation and Disease Research, and serves on the editorial boards of several major journals, including Science Signaling, Clinical and Translational Immunology, and Cell Death Discovery.

    She also served on the Scientific Advisory Board of a new start-up company that is developing inflammasome inhibitors for the treatment of human inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. Professor Schroder is an ARC Future Fellow, and the recipient of international awards such as the Milstein Young Investigator Award from the International Cytokine and Interferon Society, and the Dolph Adams Award from the Society for Leukocyte Biology.





    Management committee members

    Professor Jennifer Stow

    Professorial Research Fellow
    NHMRC Leadership Fellow
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
    Researcher profile is public: 
    Researcher biography: 

    Professor Jennifer Stow is a molecular cell biologist, an NHMRC Leadership Fellow and head of the Protein Trafficking and Inflammation research laboratory in The University of Queensland's Institute of Molecular Bioscience (IMB). Her previous leadership appointments include as Division Head and Deputy Director (Research) at IMB (12 years) and she currently serves on national and international advisory boards, editorial boards and steering committees, and as an elected Associate Member of the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO).

    Jenny Stow received her undergraduate and PhD qualifications at Melbourne's Monash University before undertaking postdoctoral training in the Department of Cell Biology at Yale University School of Medicine, USA. With training as a microscopist in kidney research, she gained further experience at Yale as a postdoc in the lab of eminent cell biologist and microscopist, Dr Marilyn Farquhar, where protein trafficking was both a theme and a passion. Jenny then took up her first faculty appointment as an Assistant Professor in the Renal Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School in Boston USA, where her research uncovered new roles for a class of enzymes, GTPases, in regulating trafficking within cells. At MGH her research also formed part of a highly successful NIH Renal Cell Biology Program. In late 1994, Jenny moved her research lab back to Australia, to The University of Queensland, in late 1994 as a Wellcome Trust International Medical Research Fellow. As part of IMB since, the Stow lab has continued a focus on protein trafficking, including pioneering live-cell imaging, to spearhead their work on trafficking in inflammation, cancer and chronic disease. Major discoveries include identifying new proteins and pathways for recycling adhesion proteins in epithelial cells, inflammatory cytokine secretion in macrophages and immune signalling through Toll-like receptors in inflammation and infection. Small GTPases of the Rab family, signalling adaptors and kinases feature among the molecules studied in the Stow lab for their functional roles and their potential as drug targets in inflammation and cancer. A keen focus is to understand the role of the fluid uptake pathway, macropinocytosis, in controlling inflammation, cancer and mucosal absorption.

    Professor Stow has been awarded multiple career fellowships including from American Heart Association, Wellcome Trust and NHMRC. She has published >200 papers, cited over 15,500 times and she is the recipient of awards and honours, most recently including the 2019 President's Medal from the Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology. She is also academic head of IMB Microscopy, a world-class fluorescence microscopy and image analysis facility. Her research is funded by a variety of agencies and industry partnerships, in addition to NHMRC and ARC, including through the ARC Centre of Excellence in Quantum Biotechnology, QUBIC. The Stow lab work with national and international collaborators and welcome students and postdoctoral trainees to participate in their research. We value having a diverse, inclusive and supportive culture for research and celebrate the many diverse and wonderful successes of Stow lab alumni.



    Professor Jennifer Stow is a molecular cell biologist. She has had a lifelong fascination with cells, the ‘ultimate factories’, and how they work.  After being awarded a PhD from Monash University, and training at Yale University School of Medicine, her first faculty appointment was at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. 

    Professor Stow is renowned for her research on protein trafficking which has revealed how proteins critical for inflammation and cancer are moved around inside cells or transported out of cells. The cell signalling pathways that regulate these processes are also investigated in her search for ways to combat disease. Advanced imaging of molecules in living cells provides Professor Stow’s group with a remarkable window into the sub cellular universe and a way to observe cell behaviour.  


    ResearcherID Scopus Orcid

    Professor David Fairlie

    Director, Centre for Drug Discovery
    NHMRC Leadership Fellow and Group Leader
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
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    Researcher biography: 

    Professor Fairlie is an NHMRC Research Investigator Fellow (Level 3) (2022-present), a Node Leader of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide Protein Science, one of four Centre Directors and former Head of the Division of Chemistry of Structural Biology at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (since 2009), and an Affiliate Professor of the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences. He was previously an NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow (2012-2021), a Node Leader at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Advanced Molecular Imaging (2014-2021), an ARC Federation Fellow (2006-2011), an ARC Professorial Fellow (2002-2006), and Scientific Director and Chief Scientific Officer of a startup company. He undertook postdoctoral studies at Stanford University and University of Toronto, postgraduate studies at Australian National University and University of New South Wales, and undergraduate studies at University of Adelaide.

    His research group works across the disciplines of chemistry (synthesis, structure, reaction mechanisms), biochemistry (enzyme inhibitors, protein-protein interactions, GPCRs, transcription factors), immunology (innate immune cells in health and disease, mucosal T cells), and pharmacology (molecular pharmacology and human cell signalling, experimental pharmacology in rodent models of human diseases). He has published over 450 scientific journal articles in high impact chemistry journals (e.g. Chem Rev, J Am Chem Soc, Angew Chem Int Edit, Chem Sci, J Med Chem, Org Lett, J Org Chem) and biology journals (e.g. Nature, Science, Nature Immunology, Immunity, Science Immunology, Nature Communications, J Exp Med, J Clin Invest, Proc Natl Acad Sci, Diabetes, Cancer Res, Br J Pharmacol). He has been a Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate Analytics), with over 37,000 citations and 104 publications with over 100 citations (Google Scholar), and has collaborated with many of the world's largest pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.



    Professor David Fairlie is internationally known for his research contributions in the fields of medicinal chemistry, organic chemistry, biological chemistry and in several disciplines in biology (pharmacology, virology, immunology, neurobiology, biochemistry). He has had strong research programs in chemistry, biochemistry and pharmacology continuously funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) since 1991 and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) since 1995. He was awarded prestigious fellowships from the ARC, in the form of an Australian Professorial Fellowship (2002-2006) and an Australian Federation Fellowship (2006-2011), and from the NHMRC, in the form of a Senior Principal Research Fellowship (2012-2016 and 2017-2021). He has held numerous research grants in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, virology, immunology, parasitology, neurobiology and oncology; including 15 multimillion dollar grants from industry and governments. He has served on academic and industry advisory panels, company boards, and research grant panels both in Australia and overseas. He collaborates with some of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies.

    Professor Fairlie has >300 publications (h index >60; >14,000 citations; >35 cites per article; >30 articles >100 citations) and presents 5-10 invited plenary and keynote lectures around the world each year. He is also well known in the international pharmaceutical arena, having consulted to multiple big pharma on protease inhibitors, GPCR modulators, protein and peptide mimics, drug design and discovery, and pharmacology. He has been involved in four startup companies in Australia and the USA.




    Professor Matt Sweet

    NHMRC Leadership Fellow - GL & Director of Training
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
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    Researcher biography: 

    Matt Sweet is an NHMRC Leadership Fellow, Group Leader, and Director of Higher Degree Research (DHDR) at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. He was the founding Director of the IMB Centre for Inflammation and Disease Research (2014-2018), also serving as Deputy Head of the IMB Division of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine during this period. Matt studies innate immunity, the body's danger sensing system that responds to infection, injury and dysregulated homeostasis, and the role of this system in health and disease. Matt's research team focuses on manipulating the innate immune system for the development of anti-infective and anti-inflammatory strategies. To do so, his lab characterizes the roles of specific innate immune pattern recognition receptors and their downstream signalling pathways/gene products in inflammatory disease processes, as well as in host responses to bacterial pathogens. He has authored >175 journal articles and book chapters, including in Science (2), Science Translational Medicine, Science Immunology, Nature Immunology, Nature Genetics, Nature Communications (4), PNAS USA (6) and Journal of Experimental Medicine (2), and his career publications have accrued >19,000 citations.


    I was awarded a PhD (The University of Queensland) in 1996 for my research under the supervision of Prof David Hume into gene regulation in macrophages, immune cells with important roles in health and disease. I subsequently undertook a short postdoctoral position in the same laboratory, focusing on the activation of macrophages by pathogen products. I then embarked on a CJ Martin post-doctoral training fellowship with Prof Eddy Liew, FRS at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Returning to The University of Queensland, I had a prominent role within the Cooperative Research Centre for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases (including as UQ node head from 2007-2008) and was appointed as a Group Leader at the IMB in 2007. I have continued fellowship support since this time, including as an ARC Future Fellow, an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow and an NHMRC Leadership Fellow (current, from 2021).

    Key discoveries

    CpG-containing DNA as an activator of innate immunity, and characterization of the receptor (TLR9) detecting this microbial component.

    The IL-1 receptor family member ST2 as a critical regulator of innate immunity and inflammation.

    Inflammatory and antimicrobial functions of histone deacetylase enzymes (HDACs) in macrophages.

    Effects of the growth factor CSF-1 on inflammatory responses in macrophages.

    Mechanisms responsible for divergence in TLR responses between human and mouse macrophages, as well as the functional consequences of such divergence.

    TLR-inducible zinc toxicity as an antimicrobial weapon of macrophages and the identification of defects in this pathway in cystic fibrosis.

    Host evasion strategies used by the bacterial pathogens Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and uropathogenic E. coli.

    SCIMP as a novel TLR adaptor that mediates TLR tyrosine phosphorylation and selective cytokine outputs.

    Genes and pathways associated with the severity of chronic liver disease.

    Molecular mechanisms controlling macrophage immunometabolism, as well as associated inflammatory and antimicrobial responses.

    Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activities of the metabolite ribulose-5-phosphate.

    Research training

    I have supervised or co-supervised 29 completed PhD students and 22 completed honours students, as well as 9 post-doctoral researchers. Many of my former staff and students continue to have active research careers around the world (USA, UK, Europe, Australia), including as independent laboratory heads. I currently supervise 5 PhD students in my laboratory, co-supervise 4 PhD students in other laboratories, and oversee the research activities of 2 post-doctoral researchers in my group. Current and former staff/students have received numerous fellowships and awards during their research careers (e.g. ARC DECRA, NHMRC CJ Martin fellowship, UQ post-doctoral fellowship, Smart State scholarship). I have also examined >25 PhD theses in the fields of innate immunity, inflammation and host defence.

    Professional activities

    I am an editorial board member of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology and Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, and have served as an editorial board member for several other journals in the past e.g. Immunology and Cell Biology. I have served on NHMRC project grant review panels in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012 (as panel chair) and 2014, NHMRC Ideas panels in 2020 and 2024, NHMRC Investigator panels in 2021 and 2022, as well as a member of the NHMRC RGMS user reference group committee from 2010-2012. I acted as national representative for the Australasian Society of Immunology (ASI) Infection and Immunity special interest group from 2012-2017. At UQ, I served as chair of an animal ethics committee from 2013-2014, and co-organized the UQ Host-Pathogen interaction network from 2007-2010 (prior to the establishment of the Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre). I am currently Director of Higher Degree by Research at IMB, overseeing HDR student recruitment and training.

    I have made extensive contributions to conference organization in my discipline. I co-organized the national TLROZ2009 and TLROZ2012 conferences, I organized the first ever Australasian Society for Immunology (ASI) Infection and Immunity workshop (2009), was chair of the ASI Program Committee and co-organizer of the Infection and Immunity workshop for ASI2017, and I co-organized the annual IMB Inflammation Symposium (2014-2018). I also co-chaired the 2019 World Conference of Inflammation (Sydney, September 2019). In addition, I have been a member of the organizing committee for ASI2009, the 2014 International Cytokine and Interferon Society conference, the Lorne Infection and Immunity conference (2014-2020), and the Brisbane Immunology Group annual meeting (2008 to the present).



    Visit Sweet group webpage

    Professor Matt Sweet uses techniques in immunology, cell biology and biochemistry to understand how the innate immune system functions in health and disease. His research focuses on characterizing genes and pathways in macrophages that either drive inflammation or are involved in the clearance of bacterial pathogens. The ultimate aim of his research is to devise strategies to manipulate the innate immune system to limit pathological inflammation and/or unleash its power against infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

    During his career, he has discovered mechanisms by which specific pathogen products activate macrophages; identified regulatory mechanisms controlling innate immune activation and inflammation; defined roles for histone deacetylase enzymes in infection and inflammation; elucidated antimicrobial responses used by macrophages to destroy bacteria, as well as mechanisms used by bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella and uropathogenic E. coli to subvert these responses; and identified molecular mechanisms by which immune cells use immunometabolism to drive inflammation and combat infections.

    Professor Matt Sweet completed his PhD in 1996 at The University of Queensland, and then undertook a CJ Martin postdoctoral training fellowship at the University of Glasgow, before returning to Australia. He is currently an NHMRC Leadership Fellow at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience. He has authored >170 journal articles and book chapters, including publications in Science (x2), Science Immunology, Science Translational Medicine, Nature Immunology, Nature Genetics, Nature Communications (x3), Journal of Experimental Medicine (x2) and PNAS (x5). Professor Sweet currently serves on the editorial boards of several international journals including Journal of Leukocyte Biology and Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology.

    Professor Sweet has served as the Director of Training for IMB since 2021, overseeing PhD and Masters student recruitment and training. He has a strong focus on research culture and on delivering excellence in HDR student training and development. Professor Sweet has supervised/co-supervised more than 35 PhD students and more than 20 Honours students, and his former students have leading roles in Academia, Industry, and Government. He has won inaugural prizes from the Society for Leukocyte Biology (2021) and IMB (2016) for mentorship and leadership. 





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