A young superbug researcher at The University of Queensland is seeking public support in her bid to win the Centenary Institute’s Lawrence Creative Prize people’s choice award.
UQ Institute for Molecular Bioscience’s Dr Alysha Elliott is nominated for the overall prize, which recognises young researchers tackling challenging issues and problems.
Her entry can be seen here, and there is a “vote” button to support her bid for the people’s choice award.
Dr Elliott leads the microbial and screening team for UQ’s Community for Open Antimicrobial Drug Discovery(CO-ADD), which aims to find new antibiotics through scientific co-operation.
“We are taking an open approach where scientists around the world can send us their chemical compounds and we will test, for free, if they are active against disease-causing bacteria and fungi,” Dr Elliott said.
Media: CO-ADD Marketing and Communications Officer Ruth Neale, r.neale1@uq.edu.au, +61 (0) 487 955 790; or IMB Communications, communications@imb.uq.edu.au, +61 7 3346 2155.