Our lab has produced cell lines for the production of approximately 10 different recombinant proteins. these cell lines are being designed to enable streamlined downstream processing.

Objective/mission (The vision): To develop, refine and validate downstream processing approaches involving affinity and reverse phase chromatography and polishing steps .

Research approach (The initiative): Microalgae cultivation, harvesting, cell cracking as well as purification and characterization of the recombinant protein product.

Impacts and applications: Microalgae offer the advantage of low-cost recombinant protein production using systems capable of delivering triple bottom economic, social and environmental benefits to industry that will increasingly have to be based on circular economy principles. Streamlining this process for low cost, high value product production offers industry significant benefits in terms of fast tracking systems optimization, derisking scaleup and supporting the development of robust business models.

Project members

Key contacts

Professor Ben Hankamer

Professorial Research Fellow
Institute for Molecular Bioscience