UQ shines at top of research rankings

1 Feb 2011

In a spectacular result for University of Queensland researchers, UQ is above world standard in more fields of research than any other Australian university. 

The Excellence in Research for Australia survey ranked 21 broad fields of UQ research in the highest two ratings bands, which signify well above world standard and above world standard.

All the areas in which IMB scientists conduct research, which are Biomedical and Clinical Health Sciences, BioTechnology, Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences and Physical Sciences, were ranked "well above world standard" (level 5).

Engineering and Environmental Science at UQ were also ranked at level 5.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Greenfield said: “Credit for UQ's result goes to our researchers, who have demonstrated they can match the excellence of the world's best. 

“ERA shows that outstanding quality is a hallmark of researchers in all of UQ's major fields. 

“The outcome also reflects the impact of strategic investments in UQ discovery by the Queensland and Australian governments, philanthropists, business and the University itself. 

“Congratulations and thank you to everybody who contributed to this success story. " 

The landmark ERA report, released today after five years of development, highlights UQ's position as a heavyweight research body on the world scene. 

It also confirms UQ as one of Australia's most comprehensive universities: it is active in 24 out of a possible 25 broad fields of research. 

Only two other universities — Melbourne and Sydney — were eligible for such broad assessment. 

As well as UQ's 21 fields of research that are well above world standard or above world standard, the University's remaining three broad fields of research (Information & Computing Sciences, Earth Sciences and in Agriculture & Veterinary Sciences ) were rated at Level 3 (at world standard). None were rated lower. 

“UQ's goal is for all its research fields to be well above or above world standard, and the ERA results will be used to lift performance in areas that show room for improvement,” Professor Greenfield said. 

Media: For interviews with Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Greenfield, call Fiona Kennedy ph +61 7 3365 1384 

Professor Alan Lawson, UQ Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and International), +61 7 3346 6293 

Fiona Cameron, UQ Communications, ph +61 7 3346 7086
