Ways to give
Every gift is valued and every gift can make a difference.
Giving to IMB can take different forms depending on your goals and resources.
You can donate to IMB online on UQ's Advancement page, or see below for other ways to give.
Give in celebration
Make your special celebration one to remember always by giving the gift of life-changing research.
Simply ask your guests to make a donation to an IMB project that is meaningful to you instead of giving you gifts at your birthday, engagement, wedding, anniversary, graduation or other special celebration. Together, we can create change in the areas you care about most.
With notice, we can also send you special donation cards personalised for your celebration, or provide you with information that you can share with your guests when asking them to donate to your preferred IMB project online.
To find out more about giving in celebration, please contact Katrina Garner-Moore, IMB Advancement and Events Officer, on +61 7 3346 2110 or email giving@imb.uq.edu.au.
Give by phone
To donate by phone, please call Katrina Garner-Moore, IMB Advancement and Events Officer, on +61 7 3346 2110 or email giving@imb.uq.edu.au and we will call you back.
Katrina will be happy to help you direct your gift to the IMB project that will make the most impact in your specific area of interest.
Alternatively, you can contact UQ Advancement on +61 7 3346 3900 from 9am to 5pm AEST, Monday to Friday. When you call, please specify which IMB research project you would like your donation to support.
If you would like to discuss options for a significant gift, please call Olga Chaourova, Acting IMB Director of Advancement, on +61 7 3346 2196 to discuss how your generosity can create significant change.
Give by mail
Download a printable donation form and send it by post to the following address:
UQ Advancement
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072
If you are donating by cheque, please make the cheque payable to 'The University of Queensland' and include a note to let us know that you would like your donation to support IMB's vital research.
If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact IMB's Acting Director of Advancement, Olga Chaourova, on +61 7 3346 2196 or giving@imb.uq.edu.au.
Giving in your will
A gift from your estate is a simple and effective way of making lasting provision for the people and causes you care about. After providing for your family and friends, you can include a charitable bequest for the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at The University of Queensland in your will.
Gifts in the wills of alumni, friends, and supporters have funded life-changing scholarships for students at UQ, and helped IMB’s researchers find solutions to the most perplexing problems facing our communities and planet.
A bequest can be cash, a share bundle, real estate or other property, a work of art, or item of cultural significance. You can leave a percentage of your entire estate or what remains after all other gifts have been distributed. You can ask the University to invest your charitable bequest so that it provides a perpetual income for the purpose you envisage.
A will is an important personal document. We strongly recommend you consult your legal advisor before drafting a new will or updating an existing one. Your financial and legal advisors can ensure your will is valid, and that your wishes can be carried out in the way you intend. We are always happy to discuss your wishes and intentions, but are unable to offer legal or financial advice on will-making or estate planning.
Will-wording for a charitable bequest to IMB at The University of Queensland
For a gift for the general purposes of the Institute for Molecular Bioscience: "I give (my whole estate) or (specific percentage of my estate) or (specific assets) or (the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $_______) to the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at The University of Queensland for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of The University of Queensland shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees."
For a gift for a specific purpose at the Institute: "I give (my estate) or (specific percentage of my estate) or (specific asset) or (the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $_______) to the Institute for Molecular at The University of Queensland for its general purposes. I express the wish but without creating any binding trust that if practicable this gift be applied towards (state purposes as widely as possible). I declare the receipt of The University of Queensland shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees."
For a gift for directed purpose at the Institute: "I give (my estate) or (specific percentage of my estate) or (specific asset) or (the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $______) to the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at The University of Queensland for (state purposes as widely as possible). I declare that the receipt of The University of Queensland shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees."
For a customised clause that directs your charitable bequest towards a special purpose or existing endowment fund, please contact Olga Chaourova, Acting IMB Director of Advancement on +61 7 3346 2196 or the University’s Bequest Manager on +61 7 3346 3904 or mobile 0423 298 781 or email bequest@uq.edu.au.
Informing the University of your bequest
The Institute for Molecular Bioscience appreciates the chance to thank you and recognise you for your future gift, and to invite you to be involved in your area of interest during your lifetime.
If you include a gift for IMB in your will, please consider notifying the Acting IMB Director of Advancement on +61 7 3346 2196 or email giving@imb.uq.edu.au or the University’s Bequest Manager on +61 7 3346 3904 or email bequest@uq.edu.au.
The Bequest Intention Form is an easy way to inform UQ of your bequest intentions. Your personal information will be held in strictest confidence, and your anonymity maintained if you wish.
The University of Queensland Bequest Society
If you have included a gift for the institute in your will, you are eligible for membership in the UQ Bequest Society. Society members are invited to exclusive events, concerts, tours, and other special occasions at the University. Society members are also special guests at the annual UQ Bequest Society High Tea.
If you have a question or would like more information on how a bequest can create change which is meaningful for you, please contact Acting IMB Director of Advancement, Olga Chaourova on +61 7 3346 2196 or email giving@imb.uq.edu.au.
Giving a major or endowed gift
If you have an enduring passion to make impactful change for a particularly challenging health or environmental issue, a major gift will enable us to accelerate viable, effective solutions.
A major gift can be an immediate donation, a pledge paid in installments over a specified number of years, or created through a bequest.
Whether you are an individual, family, charitable foundation or organisation, your generosity can be recognised by The University of Queensland in the form of a named scholarship, research chair, research centre or capital asset.
A major gift may be expended in its entirety to accelerate impact, for example by creating a research chair for the duration of five years to progress solutions for an urgent challenge.
Alternatively, you may prefer to make a lasting legacy by creating an endowment: a major gift that keeps on giving.
An endowment can be created by a gift you give during your lifetime or a charitable bequest in your will. Your gift will be included in the University’s long term investment portfolio so that the value of your gift will be retained in perpetuity. A proportion of the endowment will be distributed annually in accordance with the specific change you wish to create.
We can also name your endowment so that your generosity or the people you care about most will be remembered by future generations.
If you would like to consider how a major gift or endowment can create change for a significant challenge that is meaningful to you, please contact Acting IMB Director of Advancement, Olga Chaourova on +61 7 3346 2196 or email giving@imb.uq.edu.au.
Give in memoriam
Make the memory of your loved one last forever by asking family and friends to donate to ground-breaking research in lieu of flowers.
You can specify an area of research that is most meaningful to you and your loved one.
We can send donation slips for your family and friends to pledge gifts in memoriam.
You may also like to consider an endowed gift (see above) to fund a scholarship, award or research project in perpetual memory of your loved one.
To find out more about giving in memoriam, please contact Acting IMB Director of Advancement, Olga Chaourova on +61 7 3346 2196 or email giving@imb.uq.edu.au.