Mr Damien Bierschenk
Higher degree by research (PhD) student
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
+61 7 334 62356

Damiën obtained his Bachelor degree in life sciences in 2011 at the University of Applied Sciences in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. After receiving his degree he worked as a research assistant in the lab of Willem van Schaik at the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands. During this time Damiën co-authored various papers revolving around functional genomics of the gut pathogen Enterococcus faecium. He left the van Schaik lab to pursue a Masters degree in Biomedicine at the Karolinska institute in Stockholm, Sweden with a focus on immunology and microbiology. After receiving his Masters, Damiën joined the Inflammasome lab in October 2014 as a PhD candidate where he works on the activation of the inflammasome pathway by Salmonella.