Centre for Solar Projects
Aquaculture and Livestock Feeds: Superior algae feeds for improved health and food quality
Delivering innovative microalgae functional feeds to better meet the increasing needs of the aquaculture and livestock industries. This project will reduce the cost of microalgae production and integrate enhanced water nutrition and microbiome technology to improve food quality and ultimately animal health.
Clean Water: Improve water quality through the integration of microalgae technologies
Integrating microalgae technologies into innovative and sustainable land management practices, to improve water quality, soil biology, crop health and fertiliser efficiency.
GreenSmart Cities: Integrating green algae production systems for sustainable solutions
Integrating modular microalgae systems into buildings and urban infrastructure to create eco-cityscapes. This project is focused on designing robust, economically scalable, automated high-efficiency green algae production systems that are visually striking.
Integrated Bioeconomy Project: Advancing the bioeconomy through system integration and innovation
Creating robust and economic greenhouse systems—that can be integrated with existing field production—to enhance productivity, resilience, resource efficiency and sustainability. This project will provide a fully integrated demonstration scale facility to act as an industry and technology hub.
Protein Therapeutics: Next-generation clean biologics and enzymes from algae.
Using microalgae to produce high-value designer proteins, such as protein therapeutics, vaccines, antibody therapies, industrial enzymes and novel biomaterials.
Solar Fuels: Clean renewable biofuels from microalgae
Developing advanced microalgae systems that use solar energy and CO2 to produce crude oil, biodiesel, jet fuel, ethanol, methane and hydrogen
Functional Foods: Next-generation green nutraceuticals from microalgae products
Delivering enhanced human nutrition options in the food and health industries. Expanding this niche market by targeting and overcoming existing barriers such as high production costs, poor taste and a lack of consumer awareness as to the health benefits.
Growing Roads: Integrating sustainable green algae production systems into transport infrastructure
Facilitating the integration of aesthetic, architectural microalgae production units into rapidly evolving roadscapes. Through replacing traditional noise barriers with eco-algae production facilities, this initiative will help to re-green our roads, reduce CO2 emissions, as well as open up new economic opportunities and sustainable services.