Delivering innovative microalgae functional feeds to better meet the increasing needs of the aquaculture and livestock industries.
This project will reduce the cost of microalgae production and integrate enhanced water nutrition and microbiome technology to improve food quality and ultimately animal health.
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The vision
As the global population expands from 7.4 to 9.6 billion people we will require 70% more food by 2050.
Our vision is focused on delivering innovative algae-based functional feeds to meet increasing demand from Australia’s $21 billion aquaculture, livestock, egg and dairy industries.
The expansion of large scale aquaculture is important as it reduces pressures on rapidly depleting natural fi sh stocks, while meeting increased demand for human consumption.
The initiative
The Aquaculture & Livestock Feed initiative is designed to deliver enhanced macronutrient, micronutrient and phytonutrient properties to functional feedstocks for Australia’s $21 billion aquaculture, livestock, egg and dairy sectors.
Microalgae are well established aquaculture feeds that offer substantial benefi ts as livestock feeds. This initiative is designed to produce cost-effective microalgae feedstocks that can integrate enhanced mineral nutrition and microbiome technology for maximum effect. This advanced approach offers advantages in terms of improved feed conversion and higher quality food products, as well as improved animal health.
- Select microalgae strains and blends can provide high quality, high protein content feeds, enriched in omega-3 oils and potent phytonutrients to maximise health and productivity.
- Advanced mineral nutrition can cost-effectively increase health and product quality.
- Microbiome technology can have dramatic benefi ts in aquaculture, poultry farming, and intensive cattle and pig feedlots.
Microalgae feeds can be produced on non-arable land, often using saline water. This offers the ability to enhance feed security, drought proof the live stock sector, support the expansion of the aquaculture industry and enable sustainable regional development and job creation.